Carsens & Robinson Online Audit System

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Health and Safety Management Review for Innerbox Ltd

Pre-review preparation and checklist

Names and roles

Information or evidence Name Role e.g. Headteacher, Business Manager
Health and safety lead (day to day)
SLT health and safety lead
Governor health and safety lead
Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Radiation Protection Supervisor
Radiation Protection Officer
Radiation Protection Adviser

Management of health and safety

Information or evidence Yes / No / N/A Upload
Information or evidence
List, index or register of health and safety risk assessments
Health and safety risk assessment policy
Health and safety training plan or matrix (e.g. CR098)
Incident reporting and investigation procedure
Provide example(s) of health and safety inspections and walkarounds
Provide evidence of how health and safety performance is monitored such as meeting minutes and repor
Staff health and safety committee meeting minutes or other evidence of how staff are consulted on he
Stress management policy / procedure
Contractor management policy / procedure
Science department health and safety policy
D&T department health and safety policy
Educational visits policy

Risk assessment

If you have a current list or register of assessments (e.g. such as our template register of risk assessments CR011) then there is no need to complete the details requested below as we can get the information needed from there.

Risk assessment Owner Date of last review / update Document upload
Organisational management of stress
Lone working and personal safety
Workstation / Display screen equipment
Manual handling
Working at height
Work equipment e.g. site team use
COSHH (hazardous substances)
Young persons who are at work
First aid assessment of needs
New and expectant mothers
External spaces / playground
Vehicle and pedestrian movement
School events
Swimming pool
Science curriculum, technician, and practical activities
D&T curriculum, technician, and practical activities
Sports and PE activities
Drama curriculum
School productions
Art curriculum
Music curriculum
Educational visit example
Classroom checklist / assessment


Information or evidence Yes / No / N/A Supporting document(s) upload requested
Please supply health and safety training records from the last 3 years for:
* A member of the premises / site team
* Health and safety lead
* Science technician
* D&T technician
* PE teacher
* Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC)
* Swimming pool plant operatives


If you have your own summary or system of maintenance and inspection tracking or use our Excel based tool (CR113 Core maintenance and inspection tracker) please supply that as an alternative to the list below as we can get all the information needed below.

Item Date of last review / service / inspection Carried out by Yes / No / N/A Supporting document requested
General premises condition inspections e.g. daily, weekly, monthly checks
Fire risk assessment / Review
Fire emergency evacuation plan
Fire alarm weekly call point testing
Fire alarm maintenance
Monthly emergency light function testing
Emergency lighting maintenance
Fire extinguishers service
Asbestos management survey
Asbestos management plan
Asbestos risk register
Asbestos monitoring records
Legionella risk assessment
Legionella testing records (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
Fixed wiring testing
PAT testing
Lift service
Lift thorough examination
Gas boiler service
Kitchen gas equipment service
Kitchen extraction system through cleaning
Fume cupboard (science)
D&T machinery and equipment
Sports and PE equipment
Swimming pool normal operating and emergency procedures
Stage and theatre lighting
Kiln service
Playground equipment
Tree survey
Automated gates